Our History
There were originally two small schools in the Kings Worthy area, one on the Alresford Road in Abbots Worthy and the other in School Lane in Headbourne Worthy.
The present main school building was opened in 1952. It proved too small almost immediately and two more classrooms were added. As the school continued to grow, five more classrooms were formed in Hinton House, an adjacent late Victorian house.
In September 2008, we left Hinton House and moved into five new KS2 classrooms near to our main building. Purpose-built rooms for music, food technology and our library were also added at this time in an extension to the main building.
In 2011, a Phase 3 Children’s Centre and a Pre-School setting were completed on our school site. The number on roll continued to increase and three new KS2 classrooms were added in 2014, enabling us to become a two-form entry school. When the Children’s Centre closed in 2017, the space was absorbed into our school.
Our main building now contains the hall, library, IT suite, food technology room, music room and eight classrooms for Year R to Year 3, with Years 4-6 housed in six classrooms in our KS2 building.
We're also fortunate to have extensive grounds incorporating areas for play together with a sports field, woodland, ponds, Anderson shelter and roundhouse which provide excellent educational resources.