Year R Links
Our online learning journal |
A range of simple activities and play ideas to help your child's communication skills.
Lots of activities for children to self select to support their computing skills. Login to PurpleMash at home using your school PurpleMash username and password. |
A government website with the aim of supporting parents and carers with activities to support your child's learning and help set them up for school and beyond. |
A booklet to help you as a parent / carer find out more about how your child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the EYFS.
This site is allowing free access during school closures, register for access to a range of fun phonics games. In year R, most children should be securing phase 2 and working on phase 3. |
Register for free as a parent for access to a range of e-books linked to the coloured book bands we use in school. There are also resources to support comprehension available. |
A number of suitable maths games for Year R children. |