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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y3 Spring 2 2025

 Topic 4: Yabba-Dabba-Doo - Stone Age

This half-term our topic is finding out about the Stone Age. We are going to be learning all about and find out what life was like for people during this period in history. We will use the Internet and a range of texts in order to research what life was like in the past. We will undertake an archaeological dig within our grounds and look at items we have discovered, discussing what these items may tell us about the past. As part of bringing our learning to life we will also be going on a trip to Butser Ancient Farm.

Our Science topic will be focusing on rocks and soils. We will be comparing and grouping different kinds of rocks and recognising that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.

This half-term we will be learning to take notes as reporters and then write a class news article. They will then learn about newspaper skills and write further more complex texts. The children will also write formal letters.

Our focus in Maths this half-term will be fractions, as well as shape and space and statistics. We will also look at Time, using our knowledge of fractions to help us divide the clock face into halves and quarters and then extend onto reading the time to the nearest minute.

Art/DT:  In DT, we will be designing and making gift boxes inspired by spring and Easter. 

Music: The children will be focusing on ballads and being able to sing confidentially as a year group, working towards their Year 3/4 performance. 

PE: We will be learning skills and tactics of different outdoor adventurous activities, focusing on working as a team and the children will explore Yoga within our indoor sessions.

Computing: We are learning to use the Logbox sensors and 2Graph.

RE:  We will be looking at Creation stories from Hinduism and Christianity.