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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y3 Summer 2 2025

Topic 6 'Welcome to the Rainforest'!

We are going to be learning all about plants around the world and how they are adapted to their habitats.

English - This half-term we will be looking at poetry through the book 'It Starts With a Seed', the children will write their own poems inspired by the book and then exploring rhyming pairs. 

Maths - Cementing our number, place value and calculations knowledge by approaching a range of problem solving challenges.
• Geometry – including 2D and 3D shapes.
• Measures - Converting between different units of measure and solving problems.

Science - Our Science topic will be plants, and we will continue and consolidate our learning from the previous half-term.

PSHE - Getting on and Falling out – The children will explore the theme of friendships and how we cope with getting on and falling out with each other. The children will look at developing strategies to deal with friendship issues.

Geography – We will be focussing on rivers around the world, looking at different parts of a river and where the largest and longest rivers in the world are. The children will be using maps to learn about the location of rivers and about their features. We will also create our own river estuaries outside using sand, water and tinfoil.

• Games – Short tennis
• PE – Rounders

Computing - This half-term the children will learn how to program Beebots with sets of instructions to make them move before exploring more complex programming using PurpleMash. 

RE - The theme for this half-term will be ‘Trees as a Symbol’ focusing on how trees are used as symbols in Christianity and Islam.

Music - We will be exploring Gospel music and performing in small groups and as a class.