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Kings Worthy Primary School

What we do

The Governing Body at Kings Worthy Primary School has a strategic function, while the headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school:

We establish the strategic direction of the school by setting the school's values and objectives.  We agree the school strategy including its priorities and targets, and we ensure that statutory duties are met.  We support and challenge the headteacher.

We ensure accountability to the children, their parents and our community by appointing the headteacher, and by monitoring the educational performance of the school and progress towards agreed targets.

We ensure financial probity, by setting the budget and monitoring spending, ensuring that value for money is obtained and ensuring risks are managed.

We meet regularly: all governors attend Full Governing Body meetings once per half term.  In addition, we operate with two primary committees that also meet six times per year:

  • Standards & Improvements:  focused on ensuring accountability
  • Resources:  focused on ensuring financial probity

Membership of these committees is as follows:

Standards & Improvements   Resources

 Tessa Atton (Chair)

Kerry Dibben

Elizabeth Eggleston

Caroline Horne

Jenna Mansbridge

Laura Croker

Richard Knight

Rosalind Poulter (Chair)

Phil Jackson

Jamie Dodson

Matthew Barnard

Jackie Porter

Samuel Saizi*


The Board of Governors at Kings Worthy Primary School abides by the school’s ethos, to be the best that we can be.  Specifically, we:

  • Understand the school’s strengths and weaknesses, and work with the Senior Leadership Team to evaluate performance.
  • Strive for the best possible outcomes for the children and the school.
  • Uphold the Seven Principles of Public Life: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, leadership.

*Associate member with voting rights on the committee.

Governors have specific responsibilities at school.  These are:

Chair of Governors: Caroline Horne
Vice Chair

Tessa Atton & Rosalind Poulter

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Jenna Mansbridge
Safeguarding Kerry Dibben
Health & Safety Phil Jackson
Data Analysis Richard Knight
Development & Training Matthew Barnard
Pupil Premium Laura Croker
PSHE Wellbeing Rosalind Poulter
Governor Visits

In-school governor visits - Laura Croker

Well-being Phil Jackson
We don't: We do:
  • Deal with issues with a particular parental communication
  • Consider how the school could improve its overall communication with parents
  • Deal with issues one parent has with their child’s progress in mathematics
  • Hold the school to account for the progress of all children in mathematics