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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y5 Summer 2 2024

Our final topic in Year 5 will be 'Brazil' - an enquiry into whether Brazil is a country of two halves through detailed research of different events and perceptions of this South American country.

Throughout this term, we will attend swimming lessons at King's School. We will also be sending out further information about the pinnacle of Year 5: Year 5 Camp!

Geography - Brazil:

  • Locate and describe where Brazil is within the world.
  • Develop map skills by identifying physical and human features of Brazil using 4 or 6 figure grid references.
  • Comparing life within Brazilian favelas with life in Kings Worthy.
  • Explore and analyse climate data within a range of locations in Brazil.
  • Explain the layers of the rainforest by creating a model.

Science - Living things & their habitats :

  • Recognise the different parts of plants by dissecting in order to identify how plants reproduce.
  • Exploring and understanding the life cycles for all five categories of animals (birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, fish)


  • Writing scenes of a playscript linked to 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell
  • Inspired by the story of 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry, we will also be writing a balanced argument about deforestation for people of the Amazon or large companies in charge of deforestation. 
  • Our English will focus on embedding Year 5 grammar, spelling and punctuation aims such as semicolons, fronted adverbials, parenthesis, relative clauses and choosing the correct register for the audience and purpose.


  • Decimals: understanding addition and subtraction with decimals up to 3 decimal places, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 in decimal places through digit shifting. This is a continuation of this topic from Summer 1.
  • Converting Units: converting from metric units such as cm, m, km and g, kg; understanding the meaning of imperial and metric units; converting between imperial and metric units using given equations.
  • Volume: understanding the meaning of volume in a 3D shape, using the equation V = L x W x H to calculate the volume of 3D shapes.


  • Scratch coding units, developing an understanding of loops, count controlled loops, and forever commands.

DT - Structures:

  • Pupils will create a freestanding bird hide using different materials based on the work of the architect Tormod Amundsen.
  • Understand different ways of joining materials and explore different joining methods for freestanding structures.

Music - Samba Music :

  • Pupils will learn to identify the main features of Samba music with reference to instruments and dimensions.
  • Understand what a syncopated rhythm is and play their own syncopated beats.


  • Our PE days will continue to be on a Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor).
  • Outdoor: Swimming (At King's School with Penguins)
  • Indoor: Tennis

RE - Community:

  • Enquring what Umma means to Muslims and exploring how Muslims create a sense of community.
  • Evaluating the value of Umma to Muslims and themselves. 
  • Exploring how a sense of community can affect our own lives and the lives of others.

PSHE - Careers, Financial Capability and Economic Wellbeing:

  • Exploring how money can be borrowed and discussing the risks associated with this.
  • We will learn about enterprise, inclusive of what is needed for a successful enterprise.
  • Understanding factors which influence people decisions about careers.