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Kings Worthy Primary School

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School Uniform

School uniform contributes not only to pupils’ sense of belonging, but also their positive attitude to learning. Children wearing smart school uniform is also something that is often commented on by visitors and reinforces the high expectations we have of children when they are in school. 

When it is not their PE day, please ensure the children are dressed in our uniform, including suitable black shoes (not trainers). Jumpers, cardigans and polo-shirts may be with or without the school logo. All items of school clothing need to be clearly and permanently marked with the owner's name. Uniform is not optional and is required. We request that appropriate items for the weather are worn, for example, a sweatshirt or cardigan is required during the colder months.

Our Uniform

Our school uniform consists of the following items:

  • Grey/black skirt/pinafore (no leggings underneath) or grey/black trousers/shorts
  • Green check or striped dress in summer
  • White shirt / white polo shirt / school polo shirt with logo
  • Green cardigan or sweatshirt with logo / plain bottle green cardigan or jumper
  • Plain white or grey socks or grey/green/black tights

PE Kit:

Children should come into school wearing their PE kit on days when they have PE. Year groups' PE days are available to view on individual year group pages. Please ensure your child wears a school PE t-shirt in house colours:

  • Arundel - yellow
  • Carisbrooke - red
  • Portchester - purple
  • Windsor - blue

White/navy/black shorts, socks and plimsolls/trainers should also be worn. These items are required, but having the school logo is optional. 

During the winter months, children can wear long navy or black leggings or tracksuit trousers.

Uniform Orders

Our full range of uniform and PE kit (including PE t-shirts in house colours) can be ordered from either Flamingo Clothing online or from SkoolKit online who also have shops in Eastleigh and Basingstoke.

The PTFA also has a stock of second-hand clothing available at after-school sales. Please visit our PTFA information page for these dates. Please feel free to contact the PTFA if there is a particular item of clothing you are looking for.

Protective Clothing

For certain activities, children should wear some form of "overall" to protect their school clothes - a waterproof apron or an old shirt, suitably shortened, should be adequate. Information about this will be sent home by individual year groups.


Children should not be wearing jewellery in school. Children must be responsible for watches if worn. If a child has pierced ears, then only studs are acceptable and they should be able to remove earrings for PE independently. Alternatively, children will be provided with some tape to cover their earrings for their PE lessons.

Book Bags

An optional green book bag with the school logo is available from Flamingo Clothing or SkoolKit.

School Bags

The children have lockers (Year 3 to 6) to help the children to keep their belongings tidy and easy to find, and also keep the corridors tidy. It would be helpful if you would ensure that your child’s bag is no bigger than 400mm wide and 300mm deep (small backpack size) so that it fits into the unit.