Curriculum Subjects
Click on our curriculum subjects to find out more about our aims at Kings Worthy Primary School.
Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1032)
At Kings Worthy Primary school, we deliver a high-quality, inspiring, engaging and creative art and design curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that every child by the time they leave has had multiple experiences of working with: collage, sculpture, ICT, textiles and printing. Drawing and painting are integral to these areas and so feature heavily in our curriculum. We strive to ensure that all of our children are reflective thinkers and learners and we believe experimentation is key. Our children are encouraged to express themselves in their sketchbooks in any way they wish and to not be afraid of doing so.
Art is taught weekly for three half terms throughout the year, the other three being Design and Technology. Learning in art and design is linked to year group topics where relevant. The units taught are carefully mapped against an age-related progression of skills, to ensure comprehensive coverage across each phase. Children record experiences and observations, as well as responding to the work of multiple artists using a variety of media. Children explore: tone, shape, pattern, texture, line, form and colour. We introduce a range of artists, craftspeople and designers (past and present) and from a range of cultures. The children then use their work as inspiration for their own starting point and this not only raises their curiosity, but it encourages creativity.
Here at Kings Worthy, the children are passionate about their art lessons, free in the knowledge that it is their time to express themselves without boundaries. It is good for mental health and well being, as we take pride in ensuring every child knows they are an artist.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, our curriculum is designed to cover the main aspects of computing: Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. We provide a curriculum in which children practically develop digital skills and experiences. Year 1 – 6 have dedicated computing sessions to teach skills and give children opportunities to explore programmes to create outcomes and solve problems. We provide children with skills that progress up the school, from word processing and web design, to animation and coding. Our intention is that children have a broad understanding of how to use technology effectively so that they can apply this in the future.
We also dedicate time each half term to Online Safety. We aim to help children make decisions about being safe online, how to protect their information, how to make a positive contribution and what help they have access to, through working across our Computing, PSHE and Thrive lessons.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology
Early Years
Early Years
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we strive to enable children to think for themselves, to become curious, to engage with life imaginatively and discover their own minds, to establish their own values and measures of success. We encourage children to be the best they can be. To allow children to thrive in our Early Years setting, we provide a safe, nurturing and inclusive learning environment in which children become confident and capable individuals to enable them to become the best that they can. Through a mixture of indoor and outdoor provision we give opportunities to all children to initiate their own learning and to follow their interests. We promote challenge by playing alongside children, asking them questions and modelling expectations during child-initiated and adult directed play.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, our English curriculum is designed to inspire a lifelong love of reading, nurture a rich and varied vocabulary, and develop confident, creative writers who can adapt their skills for different purposes and audiences.
We believe that reading is at the heart of all learning. Through exposure to high-quality texts, engaging stories, and a diverse range of authors, we aim to foster a passion for literature and a curiosity for the world around us. By immersing our children in language-rich environments, we build strong comprehension skills, ensuring they can access and enjoy texts at every stage of their development.
A broad and ambitious approach to vocabulary development is embedded across the curriculum. One of our core aims is to equip our children with the words they need to express themselves clearly, creatively, and with confidence in both spoken and written forms. Through explicit vocabulary teaching and rich discussions, we look to empower our children to communicate effectively and articulate their thoughts with precision.
Our writing curriculum enables our children to develop their skills across a range of genres, writing with purpose, flair, and creativity. Whether crafting persuasive arguments, imaginative narratives, or informative reports, our children learn to structure their ideas effectively and engage their audience. Through a progressive approach to spelling, grammar, and handwriting, we ensure they have the technical foundations needed to succeed.
Ultimately, we aim to instil a deep appreciation for language and literacy, ensuring that every child leaves Kings Worthy Primary School with the ability to read fluently, express themselves confidently, and write with skill and enthusiasm.
It is our intention at Kings Worthy Primary School that the way in which we teach French opens our pupils’ minds to other cultures, develops their curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world and their place in it. The National Curriculum sets out aims and skills to be covered during Key Stage 2, which we teach over the three years in our bespoke curriculum. Lessons highlight phonics, specific vocabulary and important structures whilst providing an appropriate balance of spoken and written language.
Our children engage in current topics in a fun, interactive way; these might include current local, European or world events that are relevant to the children, such as the Olympics, the Euros, the World Cup and the Eurovison Song Contest. They also engage in learning about the different cultural celebrations in France and French-speaking countries. Our course dovetails into the French courses at our feeder secondary schools.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we provide a Geography education that inspires in children a curiosity and fascination about the world. Our aim is to teach pupils skills that allow them to work as geographers to learn new knowledge and gain understanding. Pupils will be able to read sources such as maps, photos, graphs, videos, plan perspectives, aerial photos and OS maps.
Using fieldwork skills allows children to see geographical concepts in a local context and we give children hands on experiences to enable them to do this. Through our high-quality teaching, children are able to talk, listen, question and discuss what they are observing, finding and understanding. Along with these skills, we equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we strive to deliver a high-quality history education that will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our aim in History is to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Through our high-quality teaching, we want to equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps all pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we want children to become fluent mathematicians, who can problem-solve and reason confidently, in a way that all children can experience success.
We deliver lessons that are linked to the White Rose, adapting these to suit the needs of the children in our classes and making them accessible to all through careful lesson design and small steps. We want children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to the wider curriculum. As our pupils progress, we intend for our pupils to be able to understand the world, have the ability to reason mathematically, have an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of curiosity about the subject.
The aims of our Mathematics curriculum are:
- To ensure all children have secure knowledge and accuracy when recording number facts.
- To help children to have a deep understanding of mathematics.
- To enable all children to develop confidence and resilience in Mathematics.
- To supply children with the tools to problem-solve in Mathematics and in real life.
- To provide an environment where it is okay to make mistakes.
- To develop children’s mathematical thinking, using practical resources and pictures to support their understanding.
- To give children the confidence and vocabulary to explain their ideas clearly.
Outdoor Learning
Outdoor Learning
Kings Worthy Primary School is committed to providing exceptional outdoor learning experiences, utilising its wonderful facilities to foster a vibrant and engaging educational environment. The school's extensive grounds include well-maintained green spaces, woodlands, and dedicated areas for outdoor activities, which enhance the learning journey for all pupils.
Creative opportunities for learning are abundant, as teachers incorporate the outdoors into the curriculum across various subjects. This innovative approach not only enriches the educational experience but also nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, each class hosts outdoor days every half term, encouraging students to embrace nature and engage in hands-on activities that promote teamwork and resilience.
PE and Sport
PE and Sport
At Kings Worthy Primary School, our PE is curriculum is designed to appeal to all children and provide a broad range of skills to develop physical competency. Our curriculum builds on previous learning by returning to the same sports and activities throughout the 7 years of primary school. We want all children to love PE and understand the importance of movement for our brains, bodies and hearts. Our school values of respect, responsibility and resilience are deeply embedded in our PE curriculum and we want children to experience a wide range of sporting opportunities throughout their time with us.
Each year, we hold numerous sporting events and competitions to provide a life-long love of sport and allow children the opportunity to develop their teamwork and sportspersonship. We are also lucky to have had visits from Olympians and professional athletes, which has inspired and enabled our children to see a future for themselves in sport.
More information on about our phonics learning can be found here.
At Kings Worthy we are committed to delivering high quality PSHE lessons that promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at our school and prepare children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We use the ‘You, Me and PSHE’ scheme to support the delivery of lessons in line with National Curriculum guidelines across a range of topics including drug education, financial education, sex and relationship education (SRE) and healthy lifestyles. Lessons are carefully planned to equip the children with the knowledge and skills they need to prepare them for the wider world, whilst also ensuring that learning is relevant and appropriate to the age group.
Each half term every year group has a whole day allocated to PSHE. Throughout the day children have the opportunity to take part in a range of small group, whole class and partner activities based around a particular topic linked to our PSHE curriculum.
Kings Worthy Primary School are proud to participate in the ‘School of Kindness’ project in partnership with the charity 52 Lives. As part of this, we have assembled a hard-working team of Kindness Ambassadors, made up of children from every year group. The Kindness Ambassadors meet regularly to plan ways to spread kindness throughout our school and the local community.
Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs, and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community.
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we deliver a high-quality, inspiring, engaging and creative Religious Education curriculum based on the Living Difference IV programme of study. To ensure there is a comprehensive coverage of religions pupils focus on Christianity in EYFS, Christianity and Judaism in KS1, Christianity, Hinduism and Humanism in Lower KS2 and Christianity and Islam in Upper KS2.
Children are encouraged to engage in a range of different learning opportunities to enable them to consider different points of view and evaluate them accordingly. Across all year groups, they are given the opportunity to explore new concepts through practical activities, art, drama and writing, among others. Children also learn to share their views respectfully and appreciate the differing opinions of others through carefully chosen speaking and listening activities. We strive to ensure that all of our pupils are reflective thinkers and learners.
Our science curriculum is designed to engage pupils with scientific questions that require them to apply both their substantive knowledge (subject-specific content and vocabulary) and their disciplinary knowledge (understanding scientific methods, apparatus, techniques, data analysis, and the development of explanations) to find answers. This approach enables children to explore real-world concepts, fostering curiosity and excitement about the natural world.
Our children are also given opportunities to explore the connections between science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The children develop their problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of how these disciplines are applied in real-life scenarios, encouraging them to see the practical relevance of their learning.