Phonics and Reading
Reading is one of the most important skills children can learn at school as it opens the door to many other areas of learning. Our aim for children by the end of Key Stage 1 is for them to achieve word reading fluency to equip them to access learning in Key Stage 2. To achieve this we have a daily, rigorous, synthetic phonics programme delivered consistently throughout EYFS and Key Stage 1.
Systematic Synthetic Phonics
At Kings Worthy Primary School, we use a systematic synthetic phonics system called ‘Twinkl Phonics’ to teach early reading skills. Half termly assessments ensure that children are taught at the appropriate point of phonics instruction, and help us to identify children who would benefit from additional individual tuition to enable them to make the best possible progress. We also hold parent information meetings and workshops to explain our approach to phonics in detail.
Along with daily phonics sessions the children have regular opportunities to read appropriate texts independently following our levelled scheme - Rhino Readers. Books following this scheme will be regularly sent home with the children.
Rhino Readers - Twinkl Phonics Information Booklet
Rhino Readers Online Books - App
To build fluency and stamina, children need to read widely and often with regular re-reading that can support fluency alongside reading at home. We promote a 'three read' technique to build children's decoding, fluency and comprehension skills.
'Three Reads' Approach - Information Document
Whole Class Reading
Throughout Key Stage 1 and 2, children engage in whole class reading sessions with a variety of books and texts. Information on texts children are accessing in these sessions can be viewed on each Year Group’s Curriculum Map. Children across the school also have access to Sora for eBooks, audiobooks and a range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Please see the guide below for accessing Sora:
Sora Information Guide for Parents - January 2025
By the end of Key Stage 2, our aim is to embed the enjoyment of reading by promoting a culture where pleasure for reading is valued as well as developing the comprehension of texts. We promote a variety of reading opportunities for children to help embed the pleasure for reading and to support them in becoming confident and fluent readers.