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Kings Worthy Primary School

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Vision and Values

Growing together to be the best we can be through respect, resilience and responsibility.

Our vision is to support children to become well-rounded individuals, while also looking out for others in their endeavours. We believe that, through our key school values of respect, resilience and responsibility, children have no ceiling on fulfilling their potential. Throughout their time at Kings Worthy, children are encouraged to recognise how these values are intertwined in every part of their daily life. This includes within their classroom, but also throughout extra-curricular enrichment opportunities. 

At the heart of our vision, is the importance of trusted relationships between all members of our school community. By fostering a strong and positive rapport, our goal is for all children to feel safe, supported and ready to learn. Our values underpin and encompass our commitment to this vision, allowing children to grow together to be the best they can be.

We asked our children for their input on our school values, and what these look like for them. You can see their responses below...

vision and values children views new 1 .pdf