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Kings Worthy Primary School

Y4 Autumn 1 2023

Topic 1:  Tomb Raiders!

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For the first part of the autumn term, we’ll be learning about life in Ancient Egypt and trying to answer some of these questions:

  • Who were the Ancient Egyptians? Where did they live?
  • What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?
  • What was everyday life like for an Ancient Egyptian?
  • Who was Howard Carter and why is he famous?
  • Why was the River Nile so important?


  • During the first part of the autumn term, our English units of work will include Portal stories, instructions and biographies and these will be linked to our topic, Ancient Egyptians.
  • Our first English unit is Portal stories and will involve the children creating short narratives based on the animation Tadeo Jones, a popular children’s cartoon.  Then we will move on to writing instructions on how to mummify a Pharaoh. Disgusting but guaranteed to engage the children. 
  • In biographies, we will be studying the lives of different famous people and creating flow diagrams of their life events. The outcome of this unit of work will be a biography or autobiography of Howard Carter.


This is an overview of the units we will cover within Maths this half-term, including some of the small steps taught within each unit.

  • Number: Place Value - representing and partitioning numbers to 1,000, estimating on number lines to 1000, comparing and ordering numbers to 1000, rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or1,000 and Roman numerals.
  • Number: Addition and subtraction- adding and subtracting with and without exchanges, adding 4-digit numbers, subtracting 4-digit numbers, working towards using formal methods.  


  • Our science topic will be Mixtures and separating them and will involve investigating the qualities of different materials.


  • This half-term, the children will investigate coding. 


  • Composing our own Ancient Egyptian chant to honour the Gods using various percussion instruments.


  • African life - Investigating the work of John Muafangejo. The children will produce a print based on African life.


  • Comparing Ancient Egyptian death rituals/ceremonies to Christian ceremonies.


  • Identity, society and equality: Democracy


  • Indoor PE - Gymnastics - Shape and balance
  • Outdoor Games - Football skills with team games such as Football Rounders and Football Diamond Cricket.
  • PE/Games days - Tuesday and Friday for 4D and 4R