Wraparound Childcare
Kings Worthy Primary School offer Breakfast and After School childcare to those in our school community. It is open to all children attending Kings Worthy Primary School full-time. The wraparound care is an extension of our school day, therefore our key school rules and values are carried over and applied within this time, including our behaviour policy.
Breakfast Club (7:30 - 8:45am)
Breakfast Club is run in the school hall by our in house Wraparound Team, and opens daily from 7:30 - 8:45am. The children are provided with a variety of breakfast options (nut-free) from 7:30 - 8:25am, and activities in the school hall until 8:45am. Children are then dismissed to their classrooms.
We advise parents accompany their children to the school hall when dropping off in the morning.
After-School Club (3:30 - 6:00pm)
After-School Club is run in the school hall by our in-house by our Wraparound Team, and is open daily until 6:00pm.
The children are collected from their classrooms, or walk down to the school hall (dependent on key stage), at the end of the school day. A light tea is offered, after some time to play and wind down with their friends.
Parents must collect their children by their chosen time, and each child must be signed out on the register. If you need to contact the after school club team in cases of emergency (available only once the school office closes at 4.30pm), please call 01962 582221.
Payment and Booking
Sessions for Breakfast and After-School Club must be booked and paid for via SCOPAY. Childcare vouchers, and Government tax free childcare scheme are accepted.
Prices will be reviewed for the next financial year during the Autumn Term each year.
All sessions must be booked through the Calendar option on the App (or web). Cancellations are also possible on the App with 48 hours notice.
Breakfast Club:
Each session costs £5.50 per child.
Siblings attending on the same day are charged at £5.00 per session.
After-School Club:
Each session currently costs:
- £10.00 per child (collected by 5:00pm)
- £12.00 per child (collected by 6:00pm)
Siblings attending on the same day are charged at a £1 discount per session.
More Information
For further information please email wraparound@kingsworthy.hants.sch.uk
Please note that a waiting list may operate at any point throughout the year, so please check well in advance if you wish to book. Currently, there is no waiting list for this.
To register your child/ren for Breakfast and/or After School Club, please complete this PDF fillable form and email to the above email address.
Wraparound Childcare Registration Form 2024-2025
For full details on our Wraparound Childcare provision see the handbook below:
Wraparound Childcare Provision Handbook
Meet the Team
Wraparound Care (ID 1363)
Miss S. Baldwin
Miss S. Baldwin
Miss M. Carr
Miss M. Carr
Mrs S. Garlick
Mrs S. Garlick
Mr L. Gelder
Mr L. Gelder
Miss T. Gelder
Miss T. Gelder
Mrs P. Jones
Mrs P. Jones
Miss C. Thorpe
Miss C. Thorpe
Mrs N. Sledz
Mrs N. Sledz